Welcome to the Core Facility for Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics (CFMP) at the ZMBH - Deutsch

Our mission is to provide researchers of the Heidelberg Life Science Campus state-of-the-art high-performance mass spectrometry services. These services include all aspects of protein characterization and qualitative and quantitative proteomics:

- Protein identification from 1D and 2D-gels
- Quantification based on label-free (spectral counting, peptide intensities, MaxQuant-LFQ) and isotope labeling (SILAC & reductive dimethyl labeling) techniques 
- Detection and localization of posttranslational modifications (PTMs)
- Deciphering the interactome of target proteins


New method available

Deep proteome and phosphoproteome analysis are now available using optimized offline pre-fractionation at high pH with the recently acquired Vanquish Neo UHPLC system funded by FoF1. For details have a look at protocols here on teh website.


If you are interested in one of the following workshops in June or July, please send an email to:


Workshop 1: Protein Identification by Mass Spectrometry

Workshop 2: PTM analysis by Mass Spectrometry

Workshop 3: Proteomics

Established procedures allow the exploratory analysis of the protein content of cells and organisms and their temporal qualitative and quantitative changes that accompany development, reaction to environmental impacts and pathophysiological processes. Targeted proteomics strategies of high accuracy and sensitivity, such as multiple reaction monitoring (MRM), have been set up for quantitative analysis of known protein networks. Furthermore, the conformation of proteins can be analyzed using amide hydrogen exchange (HDX) mass spectrometry, which allows the analysis of protein mechanics, protein-protein interaction interfaces and ligand-induced allosteric conformational changes.
