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Protein identification(s)

We reliably and sensitively identify proteins from low-complex (e.g. single gel spots, purified protein etc.) as well as complex samples by our standard identification workflow (Figure 1). In this, proteins are first proteolitically digested to peptides (gel-based or gel-free) and then analyzed by LC-MS/MS using our highly sensitive Orbitrap-MS systems. Afterwards, peptides/proteins are identified by a MASCOT database search (MS/MS Ion Search) and results are imported into and presented with the Scaffold software package. To account for more complex samples, different pre-fractionation methods and longer LC-gradients are also available. In addition, on request the data can also be searched with additional search engines like Sequest or Andromeda (MaxQuant).


 Figure 1 - Protein identification workflow utilized in the Core Facility