Imaging Facility - Deutsch

The ZMBH Imaging Facility provides scientific and technical support in basic and advanced light microscopy and digital image processing.

A diverse collection of light microscopes is available to the user including widefield, confocal and superresolution systems for brightfield and fluorescence applications.

We provide courses in light microscopy, software programming and image analysis for under- and postgraduate students and offer application trainings to members and guests of the institute.

Recent publication:

Please check out our latest research article on improved spatial resolution by induced live cell and organelle swelling in hypotonic solutions. Sci Rep 9, 12911 (2019) doi:10.1038/s41598-019-49408-2.

Novel analysis tool:

Cellulyzer - Automated analysis and interactive visualization/simulation of select cellular processes. Cellulyzer is a set of programs to perform 1) automated tracking; 2) quantitative and comparative track analyses of different images in different groups; 3) different interactive visualization schemes; and 4) interactive realistic simulation of different cellular processes for validation and optimal problem-specific adjustment of image acquisition parameters. Please check it out on

Of general interest for all researchers:

InspectJ, a free and easy-to-use software tool to inspect digital image integrity. InspectJ will help you to detect image manipulations. It is especially well suited for scientific image quality control of microscopy, gel and blot images (but also any other image).

Read Holger's interview on InspectJ here (Laborjournal).

Please check out our YouTube playlist with detailed video tutorials and demos on InspectJ.

Check this out:

Matlab course

Visualize 3D image data on 2D maps: Check out our publication on full-view visualization of 3D z-stacks (More ...). Sci Rep 5, 12457 (2015) doi:10.1038/srep12457.

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All rights reserved.