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Expenses and Funding

Some general information about studying in Heidelberg is given below. However, for more detailed information please visit the Website of the Studierendenwerk. This organisation is involved in housing, general advice, councelling and much more.



Study at Heidelberg University costs about 170 euros per semester for basic student facilities. In addition, students from outside the EU must pay fees of 1500 euros per semester. There are no other tuition fees. You can find the details here:  information about fees

Costs for housing and living

Living expenses in Heidelberg are estimated to be around 860 Euro per month for a single person, depending on life style. Rent for an apartment off-campus will cost approximately 250 Euro to 400 Euro per month. Non-EU, non-EEA nationals, please note: You will have to provide proof that you are able to cover living costs of at least 10.236 Euro per year for the duration of your stay in Heidelberg (usually 2 years) in order to receive a visa. This does not include your travelling expenses - they are extra. Evidence usually takes the form of money deposited in a special account, so that it can't just be taken out again after you get the visa! Since that takes time to arrange, you will need to have the money in August. More info about this you can find here on this website about studying in Germany, but you should also check the website of the German embassy in your country.

Studying in Germany

External sources of funding

Prospective international Students are encouraged to apply for fellowships or grants from national, international, industrial, or foundation sources for which they may be eligible. This includes the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) look at their scholarship database.

DAADscholarship database

Working in Heidelberg

You can apply to work for up to 40 hours a month in a Heidelberg lab. This is called a "HiWi" job (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft). Because of time constraints and other reasons, cannot earn more than about 4000 EUR a year this way, so you will still need to have 4000 EUR of your own as well, for living expenses. To try to get a HiWi job, you should apply personally to the heads of labs that particularly interest you. Your e-mail should explain your interest in that lab as well as asking for a job.


There is a special offer from the Studierendenwerk Heidelberg, the ServicePackage. This package includes an accomodation in a dormitory near the MCB. It also covers many issues encountered at the start of your degree and makes bureaucracy a lot less daunting. The number of packages is limited. Therefore, students who wish to make use of the package should apply immediately after being notified of their acceptance into the program. Please find further information and the possibility to apply on the following home page: "All inclusive Service Package". However, on the website of the Studierendenwerk, there are also a lot of other possibilities to find housing. 
The Office of International Affairs(Akademisches Auslandsamt) will also help students to find housing. In addition it offers an orientation programme and counselling with regard to: - residence permit - health insurance - scholarships.

Akademischer AuslandsdienstStudierendenwerk