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Forschung Publications
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- McCoy, Leonard mit Piper, Mark; M'Benga, Geoffrey (Hgg.) (2021): The Vulcan Pon Farr. Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Kirk, James T.: Physiognomie des Gorn. Des Moines, IA: Roddenberry Publishing House, 2021.
- Picard, Jean-Luc: Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra. San Francisco, CA: Starfleet Academy Press, 2021.
- Riker, William T.: Betazed Culture and Its Intricacies. New Berlin: Jux-Verlag, 2021.
- Nestoris, Tycho mit H'ghar, Jaqen (Hgg.) (2021): Bioeconomy and Inequalities. Socio-Ecological Perspectives on Biomass Sourcing and Production across Essos. Braavos: Faceless Press, 2020.
- Golathis, Doro: Founding Westeros. The Andal Invasion and Its Consequences. King's Landing: Rhaegar Institute, 2020.
- Maesters Yaendel and Tarly, Samwell: The Others. Fairytale or Terrifying Threat? Oldtown: Citadel Press, 2020.
- Farman, Elissa: Asshai. A Travelogue. Oldtown: Sun Chaser Press, 2020.
- Círdan (2019): „The Straight Road. The Astrophysics of the Elven Departure,“ in Ilúvatar, Eru (Hg.), The World Made Round. Grey Havens, Lindon: Shipwright Publishing.
- Gil-galad mit Elrond: Forging the Last Alliance. A Lesson in Diplomacy. Rivendell: Elrond's House Press, 2019.
- Fëanor: The Silmarils. Study of a Forging Masterpiece. Formenos: Noldor Forge, 2019.
- Annatar (Pseudonym): The Making of the Great Rings, Ost-in-Edhil, Eregion: Celebrimbor, Gwaith-i-Mírdain & Co., 2019.